Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our morning walk

Hi everyone!

I am back to blogging.

Me and Mom went on a walk this morning. We saw three little cute turtles. They were sitting on a log in the lake.  When we saw them, we were excited. Then, two of them dove in to the water. One of them was brave enough and stayed up on the log.

We saw some fish, too.

Turtles are my favorite animal!

The end.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Morning Walk

Me and my Mom went on a walk. We walked in our neighborhood, all the way to the end. We saw two cats. The first one was scared. When I walked up to it, it ran away. Then I walked up to it again, and it ran away again. Then we saw Cuddles. I named the cat Cuddles because he likes to cuddle. He is all gray and white with stripes. We saw lots of dead animals in the street, like a snake and a squirrel. On the way back home, I found this nest in a yard. It must have fallen out of a tree and been blown away. The nest is made of grass, twigs, straw, hair, and something that looks like grey easter grass. I think the birds must have been tiny.

Now we are home dancing to songs. We hope we are going fishing later. Summer is fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My day today!

Hi everyone.

This is Anne's mom, typing the stories Anne tells me.

I like to play with my friends.

I got a new bike for my birthday and it is fun to ride. It has spitfires on it. It is black and orange.
My favorite place to ride is the neighborhood. I like to go down and up hills. It's kind of hard to go up, though.

I'm getting ready to play my wii.

I like to run around the neighborhood. I like to run because I like to get my bones stronger.

It is fun to ride the four wheeler in the snow. My Daddy took me riding all around the neighborhood a couple of days ago when we had a lot of snow in our yard.

Gotta go! More tomorrow.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm at the October Fest. I got my face painting done by a nice laddie there.
I am in my fluffy white dress on Easter.All my relatives were over,i had a great time.


I am a butterfly in this picture. I was at an arts festival when I had my face painted.


Hi. My name is Anne. I'm in Kindergarten. The other day we had "Dress as a book character day" at school. I dressed as Fern from Charlotte's Web. Can you find Charlotte?